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For a long time, beginning in my early childhood, my life felt …bad. Just bad. I hated everything about it, including myself. I wanted a different life, but that just did not seem possible. And even if I had thought it was possible, I had no idea how to go about making it happen. By the age of 34 I had tried everything I could think of to make my life better, but everything I tried only made my situation worse. Finally, I felt so hopeless and powerless that the only thing left for me to do was give up. So I did.
And then one day, after I had resigned myself to knowing I was going to die at the hands of my abusive boyfriend, I was introduced to a system of new (to me) ideas and tools I could use to change my whole life. I knew I had nothing left to lose except a life that I hated, so I decided to use those new ideas and tools for 30 days, just as an experiment. I was curious to see what would happen. Would things start to change, as promised? Or would I die even earlier than I expected to, murdered by a man who claimed to love me? At that point, either option would have been okay with me.
To my surprise, my life began to change for the better almost immediately. I extended the experiment time and time again, and just nine months later I found myself living a whole new, completely different life.
I know I am not the only person in the world to find myself in that place of wanting to change my life but not knowing how to go about it, so I have created this Open Moment (OM) Living body of work to serve you all – the ones who are feeling hopeless, stuck, and powerless, AND ready for things to change for the better.
I am the Reverend Sandi Daly, and you are welcome here. Yes, I am an ordained minister, but if you are like I used to be and you find that a total turn-off, please know that I am not affiliated with any organized religion, and I won't be trying to convert you or cram anything down your throat. LOL just so you know.
If you feel ready to start having some really great experiences and getting some really great results in your life, OM Living may just be for you!
Click the button below to subscribe to my weekly "OM Living" email list. This is not a "newsletter," and it's not a marketing email. It's a great message to start the week with. Encouragement. Inspiration. A new idea to experiment with. Do you want your life to be different than it is? If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. This weekly message is about giving you something new to experiment with. I'll see you there!
This material is for all those who want to change their lives for the better and are willing to do the work that it will take to get there.
May you never live a life that sucks again!
I would like to acknowledge all of the situations, circumstances, and relationships in my life that have sucked. Thank you. Without you and the pain that I experienced in my interactions with you, I never would have felt the desire to become the version of me that could overcome you.
...AND remember this, because it may just be the most important and empowering idea you’ve ever been introduced to… If you don’t LIKE your circumstances the way they are, the ONLY WAY to get them to change is to change your responses within them.
Every one of the remaining ideas in this book is meant to be used for that purpose. Change your responses to your circumstances, and your circumstances will change...
You can give a gift in the amount of your own choosing, and please know that every contribution is gratefully received and - in addition to funding this OM Living body of work - goes toward things like dog food, car insurance, and rent.
Every single penny helps.
Thank you so much.
Just hit the button below.
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